Sunday, April 1, 2007

This is Government?

Why no April Fools' Day fake news post? Well, because we think they are lame and what is happening at the state capitol is amusing and disturbing enough -

Like a high school freshman rushing through his homework that he left until last minute even though it was assigned to him a month ago, cutting and pasting from Wikipedia without actually reading any of it and hoping his teacher won't notice; the NYS Leg blew through a flurry of bills last night - only pausing for the delays it took to print them.

So much for reform and the inclusion of rank-and-file legislators, the ones you and I elected, in the decision making process. Our representatives are not even allowed the opportunity to read the bills, much less consider the impact of the legislation on his or her respective district.

"How am I voting Mr. Leader? Ok, thank you Mr. Leader, may I have some more money now?"

What did all the backroom dealing, cronyism and influence peddling get us? A budget that increases spending at THREE TIMES the rate of inflation. The new Governor considers the budget a "success." Whatever you say Spitz . . .

Diana Fortuna of the Citizens Budget Commission sums it up:

"The rush to pass legislation before the public or even lawmakers have a chance to consider it is a continuation of business as usual," Fortuna said. "The budget process is still a mess."

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