Sunday, April 1, 2007

Rosie, Loose Change & the BBC

Conspiracy Lives On

Noam Chomsky has publicly stated that he does not believe there is any way that the attacks of 9/11 were organized or undertaken by our own government.

Hunter S. Thompson stated on international radio before his death that he had every reason to believe that the American public did not know all the details of the attacks.

The 9/11 conspiracy debate is very much alive and well and in the news.

All the hub-bub started when Bill O'Reilly and other right wingers launched a good old fashioned offensive against those "Hollywood liberal types."

First up was Dallas Mavericks owner and media mogul Mark Cuban who has announced that he will fund distribution for an updated version of the notorious Loose Change 9/11 conspiracy film. The film gained immense popularity during its time as a freely shared Google video, but has been mostly unavailable in its finished form since last year when it was taken down for copyright issues.

The next target was Rosie O'Donnell who, at the close of heated political debate with hottie conservative View co-host Elizabeth Hasselbeck, said the public did not everything about the 9/11 attacks. O'Donnell cited the collapse of WTC Building 7, which she called the "first steel building in history to collapse from fire," as being in defiance of the laws of physics. She went on to say that the building could only have collapsed with the assistance of explosive charges.

WTC Building 7 has also had increased internet buzz over the last half of March with the materialization of an apparently damning YouTube video.

The video is made up of BBC News footage from 9/11. The segment in questions highlights the coverage of the collapse of the Solamon Building, WTC Building 7, nearly half an hour before the building actually collapsed.

I cannot say whether conspiracy theorists are right or wrong. However, these events highlight the mis-, dis- and incorrect information circulating around the happenings of 9/11.

What I can confirm is, in the end, it appears !egad! that Rosie was right.

The following clip is from a PBS documentary segment with the leaseholder of the World Trade Center and his decision on WTC Building 7 -

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