Thursday, March 15, 2007

SEIU: We're Not Fans

Voters Love Gov, Health Unions Don't

In response to a letter by state Conservative Party Chairman Mike Long to Governor Spitzer, Jennifer Cunningham of SEIU/1199 issued the following statement:

“When New Yorkers elected Eliot Spitzer, we voted for a Democrat who we thought held firmly Democratic principles like supporting healthcare and public schools.”

“Now, as he’s accepting the kudos of the New York State Conservative Party, we have to wonder: Who will the governor stand with next in order to pass his wrongheaded budget?”

Spitzer did not really stand with Long, Long stood with Spitzer. Long did so because of the three legislative budgets presented thus far the Executive spends the least, while still increasing spending by twice the rate of inflation. While New Yorkers recognize that these trends cannot continue our representatives do not and that is why Long placed his support behind the Gov.

No one wants to see schools and hospitals close but spending more does not always get you more.

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