Thursday, March 15, 2007

NYS Senate Alienating Base

GOP Party Politics Incur Wrath of Conservatives

Republicans in the NYS Assembly have been criticizing budget proposals by their Dem colleagues and Governor Spitzer. The Assembly GOP has noted that out-year budget gaps will grow and spending increases at double the rate of inflation. This is a common complaint by the GOP which traditionally, in theory, supports decreases in governmental spending.

Given their minority, however, Assembly Republicans have little recourse in their house. Who has come to their aid in this grand battle? The GOP majority in the Senate, right?

Not so much.

The Senate budget plan actually calls for spending beyond that proposed by Democrats and Spitzer. The reasoning? There is none. This is nothing but a disgusting example of petty party politics. I can imagine Bruno's thought process:

"Taxes are bad, spending is bad and Democrats like both of those things so they are really bad, decrease spending, pray to Reagan. Wait . . . the Dems want to cut spending? Spending is good! Increase spending!"

Now, though, the GOP base is starting to take notice of the Senate's disregard for party ideals; so much so that the State Conservative Party Chairman is reaching out to support Governor Spitzer:

Conservative Party State Chairman, Michael R. Long, acknowledged that he and Governor Eliot Spitzer would be considered “strange bedfellows” regarding this years proposed state budget. However, with the additions made by the Republican controlled State Senate, Chairman Long told the Governor, in a letter sent yesterday, that he would have to re-evaluate his proposals.

"As difficult as your budget is, what the Republican controlled Senate is proposing, forces me to re-evaluate your proposals.

We support your efforts to cut health-care. And we support your efforts to increase the number of Charter Schools in New York State. Both these areas of spending comprise the largest portions of New York’s budget. We must get them under control and end the massive amounts poured into health-care and education each year with very little positive results.

Hopefully we can work together, this year.

We may find that “strange bedfellows” will help bring New York back to being the economic engine of the United States."

Fiscal Conservatives getting in bed with Democrats because the Republican party is so out of touch with society that it has lost complete sight of GOP ideals? Sounds like the staff here at the WBP.

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