Thursday, February 8, 2007

How Do I Vote For This Guy?

Standing Up to Shelly

His name is Assemblyman Greg Ball. He represents the 99th district and he has GIANT balls. He's also a Republican, that's right some of us here at the WBP are registered Republicans - EGAD! - and we need more in our party and in our government like him. Assemblyman Ball is only 29 years old and if the voters of New York are smart he will have a long career. At the vote for comptroller he decided to speak up.

The saddest part is that his colleagues actualy boo him for pointing out what everyone else already knows.

Governor Spitzer later called Assemblyman Ball to thank him for his comments.


Rottenchester said...

Shelly called him to thank him because when you're totally secure in your power, you can afford to condescend.

HandsomeSwede said...

Ahhh . . .that makes sense.

Anonymous said...

Shelly did not call him, rather is was Spitz (or Eliot) who was on the phone...

read more here:

Col. Rusty Shackleford, II said...

Thanks for the heads up, we have made a note in our most recent post about Assemblyman Ball.

Anonymous said...

yeah, GBall ROCKS- and he is only 29!

And it was Spitzer who called our boy Greg-

HandsomeSwede said...

Thank you, we've made the change in the post.